Serbajadi Water Convolvulus ( pointed leaf ) - Ipomoea aquatica Forsk. ( Convolvulaceae )
Water Convolvulus or water spinach or water mimosa is a semi- aquatic perennial herb that can grow in water or soil. This vegetable is very common in South-East Asia because it requires little care. It is believed that plants grown on drier soil tastes better. It is used extensively in Malay and Chinese cuisine. It is nutritious high in vitamins and minerals required for the various functions of the body. Large amounts of potassium and sodium are also found in it. This vegetable is best eaten cooked, by stir frying or steaming. It is normally matched with spicy dishes or cooked with a lot of chili because of its uniquely strong taste and smell.
The vegetable also has medicinal users, In Chinese medicine it is used as a tonic, a laxative and even as an antidote in certain cases of food poisoning.
Type of vegetable: Leafy
Edible parts: Leaves and shoots
Best soil: It requires high soil moisture and a high level of organic content. It can also adapt to a wide range of soil conditions.
How to plant: It is easily raised from seed but may be propagated by cuttings. The young seedling plants are often grown on dry land.
When to harvest: 30 days after sowing and as often as you like (after each harvest, new shoots will grow)
How to harvest: Simply pluck desired young shoots with hands
Care: Keep soil moist. High soil moisture is required.
Keep away from children and pets.
Store in cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.